Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Doctor Who

I first discovered Doctor Who via my fiance's tumbler. Now for those of you who haven't watched Doctor Who, you should. It is potentially the greatest show ever made. The best part is that it never gets old and the writers are always finding new and creative ways to reinvent it and considering the Doctor "regenerates" and becomes a different person and is always finding new companions, it means that the characters never get stale. If you would like to learn more about Doctor Who and become a Whovian yourself check out the official BBC site here or for BBC America here. Other information can be found at IMDB here and of course on wiki here. Sorry for all the links haha. The best way to truly find out more about Doctor Who is to get on Netflix and watch a few episodes. I would personally recommend starting at the beginning in 2005. Its a bit cheesy in the first few seasons but trust me the props and monsters get much, much better.

The 10th doctor and Rose are by far my favorite couple.

Davis Tennant was my favorite Doctor so far but Mat Smith is just as good. Season 7 should be coming out toward the end of the year on BBC. The possible air date is Saturday August 25, 2012 but all that we know for sure so far is that filming started in February and that Part 1 of season 7 will begin in Autumn of this year and Part 2 will begin in early 2013.

This Comic is SO true!
Pictures via Pintrest

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter

I went to see this movie last night with some friends and my fiance and it was too good not to post about. IMDB only gives it a 3/5 and RottenTomatoes only gives it a 2/5. Don't be deterred by these low ratings, it’s totally worth it. If you like gore and laugh at inappropriate moments (Mary Todd Lincoln - "Abe we're going to be late to the theater" Que my friends laughing out loud in the theater), you'll love it. If you like movies with character development and historically accurate content, you'll hate it. I am a bit of a history buff so the fact that there are flags in the background with fifty stars when there weren’t fifty states at the time was slightly disappointing but I got over it. The vampires where a great (and I'm not really a fan of vampires, I prefer zombies) and Abe was a badass. Who wouldn't want to see the 16th president of the United States slaughtering countless numbers of vampires, and make a tree explode with one swing of an ax? I think that is about all I can really say without giving too much of the movie away. They did leave a bit of an open ending to where they could make a sequel, although it probably wouldn't include Abe, due to the whole John Wilkes Booth thing at the theater.

In the words of my good friends Nick and Cory "Best Movie Ever?"